Convenient West Island location
Tel: 514-386-4873
Lisa Bédard

Comments and testimonials from professionals
"Hi Lisa, My name is Beth Randolph. I am a psychologist with LBPSB, working at John Rennie and Macdonald High School. I have recently received a few of your reports and I just wanted to say that I really appreciate your writing style and descriptions. Your results are clearly explained and your recommendations are realistic and applicable. Working in two high schools I receive many reports, and I just wanted to acknowledge my appreciation for your work. Thank you."
- Dr. Beth Randolph, School Psychologist
“Thank you for taking care of my referrals and the countless hours of assessments. I always feel reassured that they are in good hands. :)"
- Stephanie Miller, Guidance Counsellor, Beaconsfield High School
"I refer my clients to Lisa Bedard when I want a thorough, comprehensive assessment to rule out or confirm a learning disability, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or executive functioning difficulties. Her warm and engaging style of interacting with the children allows them to feel at ease and perform to their full potential during the testing process. She is very dedicated to getting at the root cause of children’s difficulties, and will give additional tests until she has achieved a clear picture of the contributing factors. She also takes the time necessary to explain the results to parents, and outlines numerous recommendations for home and school."
- Dr. Lora C. Moller, Clinical Psychologist
"I have had the pleasure of working with Lisa Bedard when referring clients for psychoeducational evaluation. Lisa is warm, friendly, and goes to great lengths to make her clients feel comfortable as she guides and supports them through the psychoeducational evaluation process. Lisa gives of herself with genuine kindness, compassion, and generosity; she is also highly professional and very dedicated to her work. It has been my absolute pleasure and privilege to know and work with Lisa Bedard over the years. I highly encourage anyone wanting high quality psychoeducational evaluation to contact Lisa."
- Mona Segal, Psychotherapist
"Lisa Bedard is a true professional. She is very skilled, meticulous and precise in her work. She truly cares about the students she works with and she really goes that extra mile to find solutions. Her reports are clear, easy to read and provide practical tools for parents, teachers and health professionals to understand and integrate. You’re in good hands with Lisa!"
- Stephane Bensoussan, Holistic Psychologist & Director of PsySanté